In this article
The Tools Tab contains features that allow you to further analyze your entities by either exporting data or utilizing Google Data Studio to create custom visualizations.
Note: The Tools Tab, and its respective subtabs, can only be configured by your Account Director. Reach out to your Account Director to add this feature.
1: Google Data Studio Overview
Note: Data Studio can only be configured by your Account Director. Reach out to your Account Director to add this feature.
You can add customized Google Data Studio reports in the Data Studio tab. Configure the reports in, then generate a link to embed into RioSEO.
These reports are customizable and allow for advanced data visualizations through an interactive dashboard.
2: Embedding a New Google Data Studio
To embed a new a Google Data Studio, follow these steps:
Click on the “Tools” drop down in the top ribbon.
Select "Embed New Data Studio".
Paste the Google Data Studio Embedded link in the "Embed URL" field.
Click the Save button.
Note: You can add as many Data Studios as you’d like.