In this article
Term | Definition |
Address 1
| Street number and street name.
Address 2
| Additional line for address information.
(terms are used interchangeably) | A platform or middleman that compiles and distributes data across search engines. The aggregators Rio SEO leverage are: Google, Facebook, Apple Maps, Yelp, Bing, Foursquare, Localeze, Factual, Infogroup, Here, and Cylex. |
(terms are used interchangeably) | A citation is any mention of the brand on the web; it is any combination of your company name, phone number, address, zip or postal code, and website address. |
| City where the business is located.
| Country where the business is located.
Entity | The term used to describe either a location or person that is managed in RioSEO. |
FID | Unique ID that you assign to each of your entities. Note: The FID is only changed in rare cases, please contact your Account Director to coordinate updating this value. |
Impressions | A link URL records an impression when it appears in the search results. |
LID | Unique ID that is automatically assigned to each entity by the Rio system. This is mainly used for Rio internal purposes. This is not an editable field.
Listing/Citation | A Listing/Citation is any mention of your brand on the web; it is any combination of your company name, phone number, address, zip or postal code, and website address. The words Listing and Citation represent the same concept and can be used interchangeably.
Local Rank | The position of the entity’s listing in the local results when the brand’s name is entered in the search engine. |
Local Search | A search that involves a geographical component. If you search Google for “Pizza in San Diego,” Google will return local results under the ads on the first page. |
Location Name
| The name of the entity.
MPI | Map Pack Insights. The analytics stored in Google My Business. Metrics include how many times a user clicks on certain components of a listing like the phone number, directions, or website buttons. |
NAP Data | Stands for Name, Address, Phone Number. This is the data required by most directories and aggregators. |
Organic Rank | The position of the entity's website URL in the SERPs when the brand's name is entered in the search engine. |
Organic Search | A search that returns results that are most relevant to your keywords. If you search Google for “Pizza recipe,” Google will return general (organic) results. |
Phone Number
| Main phone number for the physical location.
Post Code | Postal code of the business.
Rank | The position of a website on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). There are various factors that contribute to a website's ranking including domain age, keywords, and update frequency. |
Rating | The average stars collected from reviews. A high of five stars can be achieved on reviews. |
| State where the business is located.
Reporting Period | The time frame selected on the Reporting tab. |
SERPS | Search Engine Results Pages. The results you receive when you type keywords into a search engine. |
Social Insights | Facebook analytics data including page likes, reviews and ratings, check-ins and engagement, demographics, likes by age group, and tab impressions. |
Submission | The process in which all data is gathered within the Dashboard platform and submitted (or distributed) to the various aggregators. |
| Suite number if the business is in a building.
UTM Tracking Parameters | (Urchin Tracking Module) Tags that you add to the end of a URL, which send data back to Google Analytics to track the platform where the traffic originates. A tracking parameter can be appended to the end of a URL by inserting a “?”. |
| URL of the website associated with the entity.
Yelp Analytics | Yelp analytics data including the total number of views, clicks, and reviews of aggregate data on the platform. |