In this article
1: Editing an Event
Navigate to "Event" in the Publisher tab.
Click the pencil icon next to the ID of the event you want to edit.
Make the necessary changes in the "Select Type", "Input Data" and "Schedule tabs".
Click the Assign Locations button from the top of the "Schedule" tab.
Click the check-box next to the location(s) you want to assign the event to.
Click the Save button to confirm your changes.
2: Deleting an Event
Navigate to "Event" in the Publisher tab.
Click the trash can icon next to the ID of the event you want to delete.
Follow the confirmation dialogue and click the Delete button.
3: Cloning an Event
Navigate to "Event" in the Publisher tab.
Click the clone icon next to the ID of the event you want to clone.
(Optional): Make changes in the "Select Type", "Input Data" and "Schedule tabs".
Click the Assign Locations button from the top of the "Schedule" tab.
Click the Save button to finalize the cloning process
(Optional): Click the check-box next to the location(s) you want to assign the event to.