In this article
When you need to find or update an entity, navigate to the Locations tab. There are four ways to search for entities:
1: Exporting Entities
If you prefer to see your entities in an Excel spreadsheet, use the export option on the left of the search bar.
Click the Export Entities button to download the entities that you filtered for. See Creating Filters--1: Creating a New Filter to learn how to filter entities.
A modal will display with a detailed array of selections to customize your export.
Entity Details: Export includes all standard entities details, except the hours data.
Entity Hours: Export includes hours data for the entities.
Custom Fields: Export includes any fields you have access to in RioSEO that are not included in the Location Details and Location Hours export.
Google Metadata: Export includes the Google Place ID, Google Maps URL, and Google Reviews URL for all entities with an associated Google listing.
Location URL’s: Export includes the locator page URLs for each entity (if contracted for locator pages).
Group Field Options: The exported specialty fields are grouped together under one single column for a more readable experience. Most users will benefit from leaving this toggle in its default state.
Note: If your export is not showing all entities, clear any previously applied filters.