In this article
The Parent/Child feature provides you with the capability to associate people to a location in RioSEO (such as a medical provider to a clinic).
Note: To add the Parent/Child feature, reach out to your Account Director. This feature is only available if your business supports both people type entities and location type entities.
The location is referred to as the “Parent”, and the person associated with the location is referred to as the “Child”.
For example, the medical provider “Dr. Jill Smith” is listed under the location “Test Hospital”. So, in this scenario, the Parent entity is "Test Hospital" and the Child entity is "Dr. Jill Smith".
1: Inherited Fields
Inherited fields are fields that are automatically updated for the Child entity when a change to the Parent entity is made. When you implement this feature, you will determine which which fields are inherited. To adjust inherited fields, reach out to your Account Director.
The link icon signifies inherited fields.
For example, if the city value for "Test Hospital" is changed to “San Diego”, the city value for Dr. Jill Smith is automatically updated to “San Diego” as well.
Note: Inherited fields can only be set up for Primary Parents.
2: Parent Types
There are two types of Parents: primary and secondary.
2.1: Primary Parent
Primary Parents can be set up to have inherited fields with their associated Children.
A Child can only have one Primary Parent.
A Primary Parent can have multiple Children.
Example: A medical provider (child) working at one hospital (primary parent).
2.2: Secondary Parent
Secondary Parents cannot be set up to have inherited fields with their associated Children. This relationship is strictly for organization and association purposes only.
A Child can have multiple Secondary Parents.
Secondary Parents can have multiple Children.
Example: A medical provider (child) working at multiple hospitals (primary parent and secondary parents). The provider’s primary hospital location is their primary parent, and the location of the other hospital(s) they work at are designated as a Secondary Parent.
3: Configuring Parents
Use the following instructions to configure Primary and Secondary Parents for your entities:
Navigate to the Location tab.
Then navigate to the desired person entity and select the “Manage Parents” button in the top right corner. A new modal displays.
The modal displays which location is the Primary Parent (“Test Hospital” in this example) and which fields are inherited.
Inherited fields cannot be altered in RioSEO. These are setup during implementation of the feature and any alterations must be requested through your Account Director.
Select the “X” to the left of the Primary Parent entity to remove the current Primary Parent and/or update it to a new location.
Select the blue plus sign under the “Other Facilities” tab to add a Secondary Parent.
Remember that a Child’s relationship to their Secondary Parent is strictly associational, there is no data inheritance taking place between the two entities.
In the image above:
1 Primary Parent location. Clicking on the Primary Parent will bring you to the Entity Details of the location.
2 Secondary Parent location. Clicking on the Secondary Parent will bring you to the Entity Details of the location.