
Rio SEO Support

All the topics, resources needed for Rio SEO.

  • Entity Management Overview

    On the Entity Details tab, all information relevant to an entity is displayed. This can be customized based on User Role to limit the information individuals...

  • Location Subtabs

    RioSEO contains the following sub-tabs under the Location tab: Entity Details People Listing Health Reporting Posts Event Price Lists 1:  Entity DetailsUnde...

  • Adding and Editing an Entity

    When you create or edit an entity, you enter “Draft Mode”. This allows you to easily pick up where you left off if you navigate away from the platform. Toggl...

  • Editing Multiple Entities at the Same Time

    Multi-Edit is a powerful feature that allows you to update a field for multiple entities at the same time.1:  Using Multi-EditFollow the below steps to Multi...

  • Scheduling a Change to a Field

    Scheduled Fields allows you to set a schedule for when you would like a change to go live. Note: Scheduled fields are only configured upon request, please re...

  • Parent/Child Feature

    The Parent/Child feature provides you with the capability to associate people to a location in RioSEO (such as a medical provider to a clinic). Note: To add...

  • Hours

    There are three types of hours that can be created:Primary HoursAlternate Hours: Overwrite primary hours, but do not appear as verified holiday hours.Excepti...