In this article
1: Summary Overview
The Summary tab provides a quick visual representation of Reporting data. Data includes a breakdown of user clicks, listings accuracy percentages, total Google reviews, and webpage placement in the SERPs (Search Engines Results Pages).
Data is broken down into these following components:
Listings Accuracy Scorecard
Engagement Scorecard
Content Quality Scorecard
Customer Reviews Scorecard
MPI Clicks
MPI Impressions
MPI Queries
Local & Organic Rank
GMB Listing Status
Adjust the dates, filter entities, then click the Build Reports button to see analytics data for your indicated parameters.
2: Summary Reporting Screen
3: Listings Accuracy Scorecard
The Listings Accuracy scorecard reflects Google citation accuracy only.
The accuracy percentage is based on the completeness of NAP (Name, Address, Place) data on each listing and the total entities found.
Listing’s accuracy scores are determined with the following equation:
4: Engagement Scorecard
Multiple interactions can occur on your brand’s listing in Google; every time a user clicks one of the links on the listing, the interaction is recorded within RioSEO reporting as Insights. The Engagement Scorecard displays data for these link interactions, in addition to reviews data, directly in RioSEO. The score can be interpreted as followed:
Engagement for the current reporting period has increased/decreased by x in comparison to the previous reporting period.
x = engagement scorecard percentage (492% in the below screenshot)
5: Content Quality Scorecard
The GMB Content Scorecard breaks the listing data down into categories. The percentages indicate the category’s data completeness across all listings. The main content quality score (73%) represents the overall data completeness, by taking an average of the 3 individual category data completeness percentages.
6: Customer Reviews Scorecard
The Customer Reviews scorecard displays the average rating of reviews across a selected data range. The main scorecard rating (3.8 in this example) is calculated by taking a weighted mean of the Google or Yelp Reviews for the current reporting period.
Note: Yelp Reviews will only display if Yelp management is included in your contract.
7: MPI Clicks
The MPI Clicks section shows how customers behave after they found your listing on Google. The graph shows how many customers completed the following types of actions when viewing your listing:
Website: A customer views your website.
Directions: A customer requests directions to your business.
Click To Call: A customer calls your business.
8: MPI Impressions
The MPI Impressions section shows how many customers found you via Google Search or Google Maps. You’ll see the number of views your listing received through each of these services:
Search Views: A customer found your business via Google Search.
Map Views: A customer found your business via Google Maps.
9: MPI Queries
The MPI Queries section shows how many customers found you and how they found you. Click or tap the chart on the dashboard to see the percentage of all customers that found you via each of these methods:
Direct: A customer directly searched for your business name or address.
Discovery: A customer searched for a category, product, or service that you offer, and your listing appeared.
Branded: A customer searched for your brand or a brand related to your business. This category will only appear if your listing has appeared at least once for a branded search.
Tip: This graph shows you the number of people who searched for your business by name or by category. These searches are calculated individually, so if a user did a discovery search and then a direct search, the calculations count these as 2 searches (or one in each section).
10: Local and Organic Rank
Interpreting the above image:
1 For the keyword “mexican food”, your listings are on average ranking as the 7.6th result within a 3 mile radius.
2 For the keyword “mexican food”, your listings are on average ranking as the 8.6th result within a 10 mile radius.
3 For Organic search, your listings are on average ranking as the 11th result within a 3 mile radius.
11: GMB Listing Status
Published: Identifies count of entities that are published on Google.
Google Updates Pending: Identifies count of entities that have Google updates pending.
Duplicate: Indicates count of entities that are a duplicate of another entity on Google.
Not Pulled: Indicates count of entities that are not connected to the API –meaning, we have knowledge of the locations, but Google does not.