In this article
This tab breaks down the analytics of your business to help isolate how it is performing on three of the major directories:
Google: Map Pack Insights
Yelp: Analytics and Insights
Facebook: Social Insights
1: Individual Insight Reporting
You can also find the insight analytics of an individual entity under the Locations Tab. Navigate to the desired entity, select the “Reporting” tab and then the “Insights” subtab.
2: Insights Export
Click the vertical ellipses to export MPI data. The option to filter between specified metrics as well as define the date range and aggregation time frame is provided.
3: Auxiliary Fields Export
Auxiliary fields are any fields that you have set up in RioSEO that are outside the standard fields included in the exports by default. For instance, when exporting Google MPI data, information about the physical location (location name, address, phone number, etc..) is not included. Auxiliary fields allow you to add any of these location field to your MPI export, enabling you to build the exact report you need! To have auxiliary fields configured to your exports, contact
4: Google - Map Pack Insights
This tab can be used to identify comprehensive information regarding Google views and clicks on direction, phone number, and website links. Graphs and charts break this information down for a visual representation of the data. Clicking the vertical ellipses menu (highlighted in the screenshot below) allows you to export the Google insights data.
Note: MPI data is updated weekly.
5: Yelp - Analytics and Insights
This tab can be used to analyze the total number of views, clicks, and reviews of aggregate data on Yelp for your listings. You can hover over each graph to display tool tips and more detailed information.
Note: Yelp insights data is updated weekly.
6: Facebook - Social Insights
This tab allows you to view the overall or individual level of performance of your Facebook pages including:
Page likes
Reviews & Ratings
Check-ins & Engagements
Age Groups
Tab Impression
Note: Facebook Social insights data is updated monthly.