
Rio SEO Support

All the topics, resources needed for Rio SEO.

  • Reporting Overview

    The Reporting module provides a comprehensive reporting suite to measure the success of local search using web analytics, local ranking, citation accuracy, l...

  • Reporting Terms and Definitions

    TermDefinitionAggregator/Directory (terms are used interchangeably) A platform or middleman that compiles and distributes data across search engines. The a...

  • Citations

    1: About CitationsA Citation is any mention of your brand on the web; it is any combination of your company name, phone number, address, zip or postal code, ...

  • Rank

    This tab lets you visualize where entities rank across search engines when defined keywords are searched. You can define keywords that relate to your busines...

  • Insights

    This tab breaks down the analytics of your business to help isolate how it is performing on three of the major directories: Google: Map Pack InsightsYelp: An...

  • Summary

    1: Summary OverviewThe Summary tab provides a quick visual representation of Reporting data. Data includes a breakdown of user clicks, listings accuracy perc...